streda 22. marca 2017

Big Little Lies - Liane Moriarty

Autor: Liane Moriarty
Originálny názov: Big Little Lies
Slovenský názov: Veľké malé klamstvá
Počet strán: 460
Rok vydania: 2014
Anotácia: Big Little Lies follows three women, each at a crossroads:

Madeline is a force to be reckoned with. She’s funny and biting, passionate, she remembers everything and forgives no one. Her ex-husband and his yogi new wife have moved into her beloved beachside community, and their daughter is in the same kindergarten class as Madeline’s youngest (how is this possible?). And to top it all off, Madeline’s teenage daughter seems to be choosing Madeline’s ex-husband over her. (How. Is. This. Possible?).

Celeste is the kind of beautiful woman who makes the world stop and stare. While she may seem a bit flustered at times, who wouldn’t be, with those rambunctious twin boys? Now that the boys are starting school, Celeste and her husband look set to become the king and queen of the school parent body. But royalty often comes at a price, and Celeste is grappling with how much more she is willing to pay.

New to town, single mom Jane is so young that another mother mistakes her for the nanny. Jane is sad beyond her years and harbors secret doubts about her son. But why? While Madeline and Celeste soon take Jane under their wing, none of them realizes how the arrival of Jane and her inscrutable little boy will affect them all.

Big Little Lies is a brilliant take on ex-husbands and second wives, mothers and daughters, schoolyard scandal, and the dangerous little lies we tell ourselves just to survive.

pondelok 20. marca 2017

Môj vysnívaný čitateľský kútik

Vysnívaných čitateľských kútikov ste vďaka internetovému vyhľadávaču nábytku a dekorácií v poslednom čase asi videli dosť. Keď ma teda kontaktovali, či sa do tejto "akcie" nechcem zapojiť aj ja, súhlasila som. Svoj vlastný kútik zatiaľ nemám a okolnosti ma nútia čítať posediačky na obyčajnej otočnej stoličke, poležiačky na posteli či dokonca postojačky na zastávke autobusu či vlakovej stanici. To mi však nebráni v tom, aby som o takomto ideálnom priestore na čítanie aspoň snívala.  Na nájdete nábytku naozaj nespočetné množstvo, a tak by ste si túto stránku mohli prechádzať celé hodiny. Prehrabávala som sa tam teda dosť dlho, no napokon sa mi podarilo nájsť niečo, čo by som v budúcnosti rada pretvorila na skutočnosť.

Na prvý pohľad tento môj vysnívaný kútik môže pôsobiť trochu sterilne, fádne či príliš jednofarebne, no brala by som ho skôr ako základ, ktorý by bol doplnený množstvom farebných kníh v policiach (ktoré sú, samozrejme, tou najdôležitejšou súčasťou takejto miestnosti). Navyše, niekedy je pre mňa dosť ťažké udržať pozornosť na knihu aj ak ma zaujíma, takže taký minimalistický dizajn by mi mohol jedine pomôcť.

Ako by vypadal ten váš čitateľský kútik? Preferujete minimalizmus alebo by ste ho radšej zaplnili farbami, vzormi a rôznymi materiálmi?

Ak si svoj vysnívaný čitateľský kútik momentálne naozaj zariaďujete alebo o ňom tiež momentálne iba snívate, skúste sa mrknúť na a inšpirovať sa.

nedeľa 19. marca 2017

The Raven Boys - Maggie Stiefvater

Autor:  Maggie Stiefvater
Originálny názov: The Raven Boys
Slovenský názov: Havraní Chlapci
Séria: The Raven Cycle
Diel: prvý
Počet strán: 416
Rok vydania: 2012
Anotácia: Every year, Blue Sargent stands next to her clairvoyant mother as the soon-to-be dead walk past. Blue herself never sees them—not until this year, when a boy emerges from the dark and speaks directly to her.

His name is Gansey, and Blue soon discovers that he is a rich student at Aglionby, the local private school. Blue has a policy of staying away from Aglionby boys. Known as Raven Boys, they can only mean trouble.

But Blue is drawn to Gansey, in a way she can’t entirely explain. He has it all—family money, good looks, devoted friends—but he’s looking for much more than that. He is on a quest that has encompassed three other Raven Boys: Adam, the scholarship student who resents all the privilege around him; Ronan, the fierce soul who ranges from anger to despair; and Noah, the taciturn watcher of the four, who notices many things but says very little.

For as long as she can remember, Blue has been warned that she will cause her true love to die. She never thought this would be a problem. But now, as her life becomes caught up in the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys, she’s not so sure anymore.

From Maggie Stiefvater, the bestselling and acclaimed author of the Shiver trilogy and The Scorpio Races, comes a spellbinding new series where the inevitability of death and the nature of love lead us to a place we’ve never been before.

nedeľa 5. marca 2017

Percy Jackson: The Battle of the Labyrinth

Autor: Rick Riordan
Originálny názov: The Battle of the Labyrinth
Slovenský názov: Percy Jackson: Kliatba Titanov
Séria: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Diel: štvrtý
Počet strán: 361
Rok vydania: 2008
Anotácia:  Percy Jackson isn't expecting freshman orientation to be any fun. But when a mysterious mortal acquaintance appears at his potential new school, followed by demon cheerleaders, things quickly move from bad to worse.

In this fourth installment of the blockbuster series, time is running out as war between the Olympians and the evil Titan lord Kronos draws near. Even the safe haven of Camp Half-Blood grows more vulnerable by the minute as Kronos's army prepares to invade its once impenetrable borders. To stop the invasion, Percy and his demigod friends must set out on a quest through the Labyrinth - a sprawling underground world with stunning surprises at every turn

štvrtok 2. marca 2017

Feburárové zúčtovanie

Napriek tomu, že je február najkratším mesiacom roka, prečítala som až prekvapivé množstvo kníh a väčšia z nich sa mi veľmi páčila. Čo sa však týka filmov a seriálov, tam to bolo veľmi biedne, keďže s návratom do školy a zároveň návratom mnohých mojich seriálov späť na obrazovky ich nestíham sledovať tak pravidelne ako by som si predstavovala.